Training courses
Why training courses?

- You are responsible for the reliability of the machines.
- You know how much damage is caused by unexpected machine failures.
- We will help you show you how to achieve the best reliability.
- We will help you to prevent malfunctions.
- Your training will be more successful thanks to our training and competition will be back more.
Thematic areas of seminars organized by DIAGO SF s.r.o. in 2019
- Modern tools for predictive maintenance and diagnostics.
- Lubrication, central lubrication systems.
- Rolling bearings technique in theory and practice.
- Progressive maintenance technologies.
- Roller bearing defects.
- Feedback from the maintenance performed, an effective tool for increasing the reliability of the equipment.
- Ultrasonic diagnostics of bearings and lubrication.
- Drive load monitoring.
The workshops can be general or tailor-made and have the task of providing responsible management or maintenance staff with the necessary know-how to acquire all operational knowledge for certain riskier situations. It is advantageous to have technicians with the knowledge of their product needs on site.
The trainings mainly concern:
- equipment in operation
- maintenance principles
- repairs in minor failures
Upon completion of the course, staff are trained and able to perform routine maintenance on their own. Training takes place at the company's training center, or directly at the customer (with practical demonstrations directly on the equipment installed). Practical demonstrations can also be performed by the staff themselves, who are trained by Diago SF s.r.o. during routine maintenance. Dates of seminars in case of fulfillment of the minimum number of participants by one company can be adapted to the most suitable term of the customer.
We are looking forward to seeing you and we are greeting you.
DIAGO team.

On 03.11. - Nov 04, 2016 another training session for PAPKON s.r.o employees took place in the new DIAGO training room.
5 employees attended the training. She was trained again on new Fixturlaser instruments.
All training courses have been successfully completed and have received a training certificate.
Thanks for your participation.

On 07.09. - 09.09.2016 another training session for the staff of Slov was held in the new DIAGO training room. power plant, Jaslovské Bohunice.
5 employees attended the training. She was trained again on new Fixturlaser instruments.
All training courses have been successfully completed and have received a training certificate.
Thanks for your participation.

On March 9, 2016 - March 11, 2016, the first training this year for the staff of Slov was held in the DIAGO training room. power plant, a member of the Enel group.
Six employees attended the training. She trained on new Fixturlaser instruments.
All training courses have been successfully completed and have received a training certificate.
Thanks for your participation.

On 16.06. - June 17, 2015 PAPKON s.r.o training session took place in the new DIAGO training room
Two employees attended the training. She was trained again on new Fixturlaser instruments.
All training courses have been successfully completed and have received a training certificate.
Thanks for your participation.

In March 04, 2015 - March 5, 2015, the first training session for the staff of Slov was held in the DIAGO training room. power plant, a member of the Enel group.
Six employees attended the training. She trained on new Fixturlaser instruments.
On March 12, 2015, the second training course for the staff of ENSECO was held in the DIAGO training room.
3 employees attended the training. She was trained again on new Fixturlaser instruments.
All training courses have been successfully completed and have received a training certificate.
Thanks for your participation.